What is La Orden?

Winners win twice: When it comes to winning the battle, and when it comes to telling how they did it. On the contrary, the losers are always in the background, with no opportunity for anyone to hear their version of events.

Unfortunately, it does not always coincide that the winners are the good guys and the losers the bad guys; On most occasions, those who used the most despicable tricks to demonstrate their superiority get to win, knowing that this information will be forgotten over the years.

La Orden is a brotherhood with a clear objective: to give a voice to the losers so that the world also knows their side. All stories have two sides, and not everything is as they have told us. Various historical figures have been part of La Orden since 69 BC, and its roots reach today.

For the first time in a long time, La Orden opens the doors of The Central, hidden somewhere in Madrid, with the sole intention of recruiting new members with whom to share the truth of the world around us.

Are you ready to become Grand Master of La Orden?

I promise to give myself body and soul to La Orden.
I promise not to tell anything about what happens inside...

Where are we

Tomás Borrás Street, 10
28045, Madrid

Nearest underground station: Delicias

+34 610 42 48 80